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The safety of your new baby makes it necessary to check all your equipment that you will be using.

When you set up your baby room seriously consider where you will place your crib. If you have to place the crib near a window with Venetian blinds you can either shorten the cords or anchor them to prevent your baby from reaching and getting hold of them; avoid placing the crib near the window if possible. As your baby grows into a toddler and begins to try to climb out of the crib, ensure it is secure or s/he could become seriously injured in a fall.

The screws and/or other fasteners on the crib such as bolts must be in place and tight. It is of the utmost importance that these are tested before you place your baby in the crib. Be certain that the crib will hold its position when the baby starts to bounce or your baby could be hurt seriously.
The mattress must by checked out carefully, the covering should be checked for any holes or cracks. It must fit in the crib properly to ensure your baby cannot slip between the mattress and side or end bars.
The sheets you use in your baby crib should fit properly and not slip and slide. There are sheet hooks available that attach to the sheet under the mattress and keep it in place. Placing the mattress in the proper position is extremely important to your baby’s safety.
Blankets are not necessarily a good idea to use with your baby. Be sure that you avoid anything that could put your baby at risk, especially in the light of SIDS incidents today. The most advisable way to put your baby to bed is in a blanket sleeper. Make sure to tuck the blanket tightly around and under the foot of the mattress with your baby’s feet touching the footboard if you use a blanket. You also want to help prevent your baby from sliding under the blanket and suffocating by not putting the blanket any higher than its chest.
There is a risk of your baby slipping between the mattress and the bumper pads causing suffocation if the bumper pads are not secured properly. Bumper pads if used should be fastened in each of the four corners and evenly spaced on each of the two sides. There should be sixteen ties in all, eight each for the top and bottom.
Although mobiles are nice additions you need to take a precaution to prevent your baby from getting entangled in it. It must be removed when your baby starts sitting up by himself and you must also check to see if there are small parts that are removable that your baby could put in his mouth.
There are convertible cribs that become beds and grow with your child. Inspect your child’s crib to be sure there is nothing that will put your baby at risk. The ornate designs carved into the end boards of cribs are beautiful but could pose a hazard to your child. Have you seen them? |