How to breastfeed a premature baby?

Breastfeeding a premature baby

How to breastfeed a premature baby

Breastfeeding a premature baby can be a challenge, especially in the beginning. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding for up to 12 months or longer. The WHO also recommends that mothers breastfeed as the infant’s sole source of nutrition for 6 months and beyond. The benefits of breastfeeding include factors such as reduced risk of allergies, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. If you are breastfeeding a premature baby, it may be helpful to breastfeed on demand and to start with frequent feedings. It is also a good idea to maintain skin-to-skin contact while feeding.

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Breastfeeding a premature baby

Breastfeeding a premature infant can be difficult due to the tiny size of the baby and the tiny size of the nipple. However, it is possible and well worth the effort. Babies born prematurely often have not yet developed enough to produce enough antibodies and need to be fed exclusively on breast milk. Therefore, breastfeeding is a key factor in providing the nutrients the baby needs. Watching for signs that the baby is hungry and feeding on demand are important for the health and development of the baby. -Breastfeed often -Offer both breasts -Provide pumped milk -Offer colostrum -Offers expressed breast milk Breastfeeding a premature baby can be a challenge due to the fact that baby might not have a strong suction if any. Asking for help is essential if you feel overwhelmed.
There are lactating consultants and often support groups of mothers who breastfed successfully their premature babies. These have tremendous value and will help you start your baby recuperating from his early arrival in the world!

A mother’s first job after childbirth is to get the baby to latch on to her breast. But sometimes this isn’t so easy, as some babies can’t latch, either due to certain medical conditions or because of poor latch positioning. On average, around 4 out of 10 babies are able to latch on to their mothers’ breasts, but that number can vary, depending on how many kids a mother has, her weight and her height. If you provide your baby with patience and often offer your breast to feed your baby, 100% of babies will eventually feed from their mother’s milk. Those who fail give up too fast or use all kinds of artificial nipples which disinterests the baby from his mother’s breast. Trust nature and get all the help you can get!

Babies born too early, or preemies, face unique challenges before, during, and after they are born. Some of the issues that premature babies face are very serious, such as infections, feeding difficulties, and breathing difficulties. Other problems are less obvious but still important, such as lack of sleep and low birth weight. In addition, premature babies, especially those that are born before 28 weeks, face a very high risk of serious complications.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding a premature baby?

Breastfeeding a premature baby may seem like a daunting task to parents of full-term babies. But when you’re just a few weeks shy of your due date, you’ll find breastfeeding easier and more comfortable than you thought it would be. Here’s what you need to know to make it easier on yourself and your baby: Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and produce milk. Be patient and rest as often as you can.
You certainly did not plan on giving birth prematurely. You will be amazed though  to know that your milk (or colostrum to be more precise) is the perfect milk for a baby born at this stage of the pregnancy. If your baby is born at 30 weeks, your milk has the best amount of proteins, fatty acids, sugar, antibodies, etc that your baby needs! 

How to Breastfeed a Premature Baby People often think that breastfeeding is just for the babies that are born full-term. Some think that if the baby is born before their due date, they won’t be able to breastfeed. However, it is possible to breastfeed a premature baby. Premature babies are often in the hospital for weeks- to-months while they grow and develop. That means that the mom has plenty of time to try breastfeeding her premature baby. There are a few things that mom should know, though. It might be hard to tell when your baby is hungry or full because they can’t speak or move their arms yet. When the baby starts to suckle at the breast, it gets easier to understand when he is hungry or just needs cuddling.

If you plan on breastfeeding your premature baby who is still in the hospital, make sure that you have great communication with the staff. Your clear instructions as to call you if your baby seems hungry and you stepped out will insure that your milk production will increase and that you will not get engorged because someone well-intended gave formula to your baby who seemed hungry.

How to breastfeed a premature baby

What are the Challenges of breastfeeding a premature baby?

According to an article published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, breastfeeding is associated with significant reductions in postpartum depression. This is one of the most compelling reasons for breastfeeding, yet the challenge of breastfeeding premature babies is often underestimated. Premature babies have an immature digestive system, might have respiratory or neurological problems as well and might have trouble latching-on so patience is the best gift you can give your premature baby while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is one of the best decisions a mother can make for her child because of the many ways it benefits the baby. However, it may not be an ideal solution for every mother. In that case, it’s a good idea for her to have some support. Having followed The Hypno-Baby program, a complete program for natural birth, you will be more ready to breastfeed your premature baby as the program teaches you to relax and trust mother nature!.❤

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