What are the side effects of interventions during birth?

Side Effects of Interventions During Childbirth

Giving birth is the most natural phenomenon since the dawn of mankind.

natural birth now

Interventions of any kind during childbirth can have a long lasting and serious impact on a women’s experience after birth, with serious consequences for her body, mind and spirit. It is a common misconception that natural birth is inherently dangerous. In fact, the majority of women who give birth naturally experience a safe and uneventful experience. The risks associated with natural birth are limited to a few, rare situations.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can empower mothers during birth, as well as promoting deep relaxation for both mother and baby. It creates an ideal state to facilitate the natural processes of birth. Hypno-Baby is a complete self-hypnosis program that can be used at home, in the hospital, or anywhere else you need to use your imagination to be relaxed and focused. Through gentle guided visualizations, you will be guided by the power of hypnosis to deepen your relaxation and increase your confidence.

When the time comes to give birth, most women aren’t thrilled with the idea of a cesarean section. They want to give birth naturally, and give birth naturally they will, but the reality is that a c-section is a fact of childbirth. In fact, in the USA alone almost one woman out of 3 will have a cesarean even though the World Health Organization has been saying for decades that the ideal c-section rate should be no more than 10 to 15%!

Being well-prepared and informed is your best defense against unnecessary interventions during labor and birth.

side effects of c-section

What are the side effects of the epidural during birth?

The best is to be well-prepared and have the natural labor and birth that you desire with such preparation as hypnosis for natural birth.

You have to be aware that labor takes time, and you have to go through a lot of things. During these experiences, you could be feeling pain or discomfort, or even get scared by the pain or discomfort that you feel. But with hypnosis, you can stay calm and relaxed during the whole process, so that when you stand up after the delivery, you can recuperate faster and spend more quality time with your baby.

Some times, labor is prolonged or the mother desires the epidural and that is fine. You do have to know that the epidural comes with side effects. Here are some side effects of the epidural in no particular order:

  • Itching. Some of the medications used in an epidural — including opioids — can make your skin itch. …
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Fever.and dehydration
  • Soreness. at the point of injection. …
  • Low blood pressure and fainting for the mother
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • difficulty standing up or changing position during labor
  • delayed mobilization after birth for the mother
  • Baby’s heart rate dropping secondary to drop of blood pressure (very frequent)
  • Severe post-partum headache due to cerebrospinal fluid leak
  • decrease of force or complete stop of contractions
  • augmented instrumental delivery
  • inability to push or ineficient pushing by the mother
  • augmented risk of bladder catheterization and secondary bladder infection
  • very rarely trauma to the spine and long-term neurological complications
  • increase chance of having a c-section. According to a medical study called


Women having epidurals were 2.5 times more likely to have a cesarean (20% vs. 8%), or put another way, 12 more women per 100 having epidurals had a cesarean (absolute excess), which amounts to 1 additional cesarean for every 8.5 women having an epidural (number needed to harm)
That is a lot of increased c-sections!
Labor and delivery are hard enough, but many women find the process even more challenging when there are complications. Epidurals are administered to help relieve labor pains, but they can also have side effects. Although they’re commonly used to give women as much pain relief as possible, some women have negative reactions to the medication. Learn about the pros and cons of epidurals and why you may want to consider natural childbirth instead.

Why not have an easy, natural birth? After all, childbirth is natural, natural birth is safe, and babies are born with the instinct to nurse. All you have to do is trust the process. But, what if you want someone else to be there for you? Or, what if you just don’t want to experience the pain and pressure of giving birth? Experienced hypnotherapist and author of Hypno-Baby, Nathalie Fiset, M.D., C.H. recognizes that as a growing number of women plan for natural childbirth, they are searching for answers to these and other questions about the process.

What are the side effects of a c-section?

Having a c-section is not a normal part of birth. However, it is also a surgical technique that may have some risks and side effects for mother and baby.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case as many women are pressured to have a c-section, especially if they have any form of medical history. However, as many women have found out the hard way, a c-section may come with a number of risks and health conditions, including a loss of sensitivity, an increase in digestive problems, post-operative complications, and more.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that over 30% of U.S. babies are born via a cesarean section, or C-section. While some of these are often necessary and life-saving procedures, they are not without risk. Common issues during and after cesarean sections are bleeding, bruising, infection, pain, and fatigue.

side effects of epidural

According to USA today: “Since 1985, the World Health Organization has considered the ideal rate for Csection births to be between 10% to 15%. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than 31% of all deliveries in the U.S. were by Csection in 2018.”

Cesarean sections are one of the most common surgeries in the United States. More than 1.6 million babies are born via cesarean section each year. But new research suggests that having a cesarean section can be very dangerous for the baby. Doctors who perform the procedure often aren’t telling the mothers about the risks to the baby. This information helps the mother make informed choices.

Furthermore, repeated cesareans increase the risk of having the placenta implementing too low or too deep in the scar and pausing an hemorrhage threat to the mother and baby.

There are many myths surrounding c-sections and they are not always the best option for women. The main thing is that a c-section is an operation where a surgeon removes the baby by cutting through the uterus. There are many reasons why a c-section should not be performed as opposed to a natural childbirth. While there are many risks associated with c-sections, one of the most serious is that a c-section can lead to the development of complications such as respiratory problems, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and even blood clots.

Babies born by planned c-sections are not exposed to the mother’s natural vaginal flora and may lack “good bacteria” that would cause them health problems on the long run.

Many women even go as far as demanding a planned cesarean for no medical reason at all. One can only wonder if they are aware of all the risks they are taking for themselves and their unborn babies as opposed to preparing for a natural birth?

Some of the side-effects or complications of c-sections are:

  • infection or fever.
  • longer recovery
  • hemorrhage and increased risk of transfusion
  • rare possibility of emergency hysterectomy (and irreversible infertility)
  • injury to organs.
  • longer recovery
  • delayed and higher abandonment of breastfeeding
  • delayed bonding and mother-baby contact
  • blood clot.
  • reaction to medication or anesthesia.
  • emotional difficulties.
  • feeling of failure or loss of control by the parents
  • scar tissue and difficulty with future deliveries ncluding increased risks of uterine rupture (and possible fetal and/or mother loss), emergency cesarean or hemorrhage,etc
  • etc

What are the side effects of pain killers during birth?

Many women are administered pain medication during labor. This is a common practice, and some evidence suggests it can reduce the pain of labor. However, in some cases, this type of medication may have unwanted effects on both mother and baby.

Today many women giving birth for a natural childbirth,, which is a great decision. Unfortunately, it is often not so easy to avoid pain during labor. Many parents who prepared for natural birth with hypnosis with the Hypno-Baby program report a comfortable birth and a very satisfying experience.

Painkillers and anesthetics given to a woman during childbirth enter the baby’s body through the umbilical cord, just like any other medication. But the effects of painkillers on the unborn child are seldom considered. Until now.

The goal of the Hypno-Baby program is to help women view childbirth as a pleasant experience. The program teaches you to feel in control of your body during labor and to take back the power and control of your whole birth. You will learn to relax and feel more confident, to have a positive mind set, and to calm and focus your mind on the birth process. Many women love the idea of natural birth, but they feel there is no way they can do it without taking drugs. The reality is that many women are just not ready for labor. Once you feel confident in your birth plans, you can begin the process of changing your life and your birth experience.

For most expectant mothers, the idea of drug-free childbirth does not even occur to them. Even though the use of pain killers during labor, such as morphine, has been banned in some countries, many women feel the need for pain relief during their labor. The problem is that these drugs have a very high risk of side effects that can be very serious for both the mother and the baby. Birthing parents need to be well educated on the choices they are making during the birth and be well-prepared.

Natural childbirth course