Everything you need to know about natural birth
1) What is natural childbirth?
Natural childbirth is an approach to labor and delivery that does not use any medical interventions, such as pain medication. Instead, natural childbirth relies on techniques like relaxation and controlled breathing to manage pain. For many people, natural childbirth is not about being “brave” — it’s about viewing labor and delivery as natural, physiological processes.
Although there is no single “right” way to welcome a baby into the world, all types of childbirth are natural. The term “natural birth” has historically been used to refer to vaginal labor and delivery with limited to no medical intervention; it can involve a variety of choices, from the doctor you choose to the place you want to give birth.
As you can see, people do nto even agree on the definition of natural birth. Some argue that a vaginal brith is teh natural way and that taking pain medication or havign itnerventions is still natural as long as the baby is born vaginally.
Other might argue that a natural birth is a vaginal birth with absolutely no intervention to relieve pain or get the baby out.
Many will consider a natural birth to be in between those two definitions.
Some people even tell their story of a natural birth where they ahd the epidural and pitocyn which is nto per se much natural.
In the Hypno-Baby course, we teach expectant parents to be well equipped to give birth naturally with the least medical interventions. One has to keep in mind that it is not a fialiure if a woman in labor opts for medical interventions.
2) Is natural birth painful?
The American association of Anesthesiologists says this: ” Yes, giving birth can be quite painful. But it’s manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time moms said the pain they experienced with their first child was better than they expected, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by the American Society of Anesthesiologists.”
You can prepare for an unmedicated childbirth by training your mind and body. Although it may be difficult, there are techniques you can use to change your perspective on pain, and manage it better. This will help you have a more positive birth experience.
Learning techniques to control the sensations in your body like the ones thought in the Hypno-Baby program is a sure way to prepare for a natural, safe and comfortable birth.
Giving birth is a powerful event and if you are well prepared, you can cope with the process in a very comfortable manner.
3) How to prepare well for a natural childbirth
Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are great ways to prepare for a ntural childbirth.Furthermore, when you combine the Hypno-Baby program with all the other methods for being comfortable during birth like massages, walking around, going in water, you can be very comfortable and have a speedier recovery after the birth.
People who use this method of natural childbirth learn how to use self-hypnosis with the goal of having a calm birth experience. The idea is that hypnosis also will minimize the pain and discomfort inherent in childbirth. You will discover how to relax and have support during labor, along with powerful tools to manage contractions.
When you’re considering a natural birth, who you choose to attend you in labor is a very important decision. Having someone there to support you helps you feel loved and cared for during your labor and birth.
4) What are the benefits of natural childbirth?
-A faster recovery time after giving birth
-Less vaginal tearing due to the instinctively pushing during delivery and less instrumental delivery
-A shorter duration of pushing sometimes
-The ability to change birthing positions can help to decrease the risk of needing risky interventions.
-Many women feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. They also report feeling like an active participant in the birth of their baby.
– An immediate bond with the baby and a more fulfilling experience for the parents.
-An easier breasfeeding experience.
-A faster recovery.
-A more positive anticipation of a future pregnancy in general.
-In general, a lowered risk of bleeding, infection and severe but rare complications like an hysterectiomy.
5) Natural childbirth vs the epidural
It is undeniable that the epidural has the potential to make the pain of giving birth away. Many women report feeling nothing at all once the epidural was in.
On the downside though, most epidural require that the woman in labor stays in bed thus limiting the benefits of moving around and using gravity.
The epidural carries many side effects too, the msot common ones is to slow or stop the contractions. Often women under the epirudal will require pitocyn to restart their labor or augment their labor. This intervention might lead to more interventions along the way.
The fact that the laboring woman is frozen by the epidural might make her inapt to push because she does not feel the urge to.
She might also not feel the need to urinate and might have to undergo a bladder cathether which increases her risks of having a urinary infection.
Choosing the epidural has an undeniably good effect on eliminating the pain fo giving birth but carries a load of side effects, some more serious than others.
A very good way to prepare for a very comfortable and natural birth si to follow sucha course as the Hypno-Baby course which will teach you numerous methods of controlling what you feel in your body.
6) Preparing a birthing plan for natural childbirth
Making a birth plan in advance can help you to make choices about how you would like your labor and delivery to be, as well as letting others be aware of your wishes.
On the big day, you can focus on what’s most important: bringing your new baby into the world.
We offer a free one hour webinar on brithing plans where you will get a birthing plan template that you can modify and all the important infot o put in your birthing plan. We also will provide you with a birthing plan checklist and a simple way to personalize your beautiful birthing plan!
Keep in mind that a birthing plan is a good way to review all the possible interventions and how you feel about them. You have to keep in mind that a birthing plan is liek a travel plan. there will always be surprises and unplanned detours. The important thing is to enjoy the journey!
7) Is natural childbirth still possible at the hospital?
Definitely! With the proper communication and preparation, anyone can have a safe, comfortable and natural childbirth in the hospital. It is of the outmost importance to make sure that your birthing team including your doctor or midwife are on the page as you are.
Inquire if your hospital has “routine” procedures which is a nice tearm for interventions and should be reserved for women who need them.
If you are well informed, you will be able to understand if you need interventions or not and go on with your plan of having a natural birth.
In an ideal world, women and their birth partners will be able to give birth naturally in the hospital and get the best of both worlds.