Travelling safe while pregnant
Travelling when you’re pregnant can be fun but stressful. There are a lot of precautions to take and it’s important to be prepared beforehand! Here are some tips for travelling safe during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a magical time for women, and can be fun you have to travel. What if I told you that it’s not all about expensive maternity clothes and crutches? Pregnancy doesn’t mean you can’t fly anymore or that you need to stay home. No way! There are plenty of things to do and ways to have fun without putting your life or that of your baby at risk.
Traveling when pregnant can be a lot of fun! You might be thinking about exotic vacations and some new amazing travel destinations. But if you are taking a long flight, you should have an extra safety plan for your trip.
There is no doubt that traveling while pregnant can be fun and exciting. You get to explore overseas destinations or a different part of your globe that you had never seen before. When you are pregnant, you might have other plans aside from seeing the world, but this should not be an excuse for you not to travel. It is important to have a perfect plan for traveling from one place to another without harming yourself in any way, and if you want your pregnancy journey to go smoothly,
Here are 25 tips to travel safe while pregnant
- The regular travelling rules apply: no sharp objects in the carry-on, respect the liquid limitations and carry your liquid in a clear plastic zipping bag. .
- Make sure you take cancelation insurance in case something goes wrong before your departure date.
- Take the necessary insurances before leaving
- See your doctor before leaving and make sure that it is safe for you to travel
- Choose travel destinations that are safe and not remote from healthcare centers.
- Make sure you have comfortable shoes and clothes. You can be fashionable and still be comfortable
- Ideally, plan shorter trips to rest. If you have longer stretches of travelling to do make sure you rest well and stretch your legs and keep hydrated
- Do not overbook your travel weeks. You will enjoy days of doing little to nothing more than you can imagine
- Avoid places with exotic diseases or uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. You can enjoy great beds while travelling and your back will thank you for taking care of it.
- Keep pants, shirts and shoes together for easy access.
- Do not carry more money than you need for the trip.
- Keep important medical information inside the luggage or on your person, this way if you are ever injured and cannot speak, hospital personal will have all of your details on hand.
- Fighting morning sickness is only one of the many challenges pregnant women face when traveling. Bring plenty of crackers or whatever food helps with your nausea.
- Pack lots of light clothes that are comfortable
Get an aisle seat for the flight whenever possible. This way you will feel at ease to get up and go to the bathroom - Choose you destination where there is medical infrastructure.
- Treat your trip like a business trip. Be as prepared as possible. Feel good knowing that you did all you could to minimize the inconvenience of being pregnant on a trip. Remember, when you get to your destination, focus on the most important thing: enjoying yourself while staying safe.
- Pack light, but don’t forget the necessities
- Eat healthy while traveling. The same rules apply when travelling, no uncooked meat, no sushi, no raw milk or cheese, no unpasteurized honey. Pregnancy is no time to experiment with exotic food as your stomach might be more delicate
- Be prepared so your trip goes as smoothly as possible.
- Stay in touch with home
- Have your doctor or health care provider’s info at hand
- Have a copy of your medical record
- Dress in layers, but avoid shapeless outfits.
- Travelling during the end of the last trimester is not recommended although not very dangerous. Most airline companies refuse access to near-term pregnant women for a good reasons. You are better off by staying home and preparing the welcoming of your beautiful baby!
- Not only is it possible to travel while pregnant, but you will have a MUCH easier time if you are prepared properly
Traveling while pregnant is a LOT of fun. It’s also a bit of a challenge. You have to be extra-prepared for everything that could go wrong, and not to mention, you will need more rest than usual. Travelling during pregnancy can be fun and comfortable.