Your baby did not come with a manual even though you might have read tons of books.
You might be surprised and overwhelmed by the loud sounds your tiny creature will be able to produce.
Do not worry though, soon you will be a pro at differentiating the different cries your baby is making.
Some people think that babies cannot feel the pain which is absolutely false. A painful cry from a baby is usually accompanied by other physical signs such as twitching or cramping from colics. It is of extreme importance that pain in a baby is addressed both physically and psychologically. Your baby needs to be relieved but he also needs to be reassured that someone is taking care of him.
pregnant mother Some cries are lingering and softer and can be a sign of just being tired or needing to be cuddled or moved.
Take your baby in your arms and see what happens. Do not worry about spoiling your baby that cannot happen. Babies need love and reassurance especially when they are young.
- A quiet baby is not necessarily a sign that everything is okay. You need to check on your baby regularly. Sometimes, a baby can be so tired or sick and lose the ability to cry hard enough to get attention. If your baby is of concern to you, never hesitate to consult your healthcare provider. No one will blame you for being too cautious about your little baby.
- Your baby’s most efficient way to communicate with you is through its cries. This sweet thing that suddenly turn into a fit of tears is just craving for your sweeter attention.
- A baby cries the most during his or her first three months. If you respond rapidly and in a loving and appropriate manner to its cries, your baby will cry less and less.
- Do not forget that babies pick up on their surroundings mood. Make sure you get all the rest and sleep you need or it will show and your baby might cry more just for that reason. It then can escalate into a vicious cycle of tiredness and intense crying. It can actually be very liberating to cry with your baby as long as it is done in a quiet manner.
- A baby is also very sensitive to its surrounding so loud noise will startle or scare him. I do not recommend having a zero sound policy and whispering your way through life but a normal noise level is highly recommended with a baby around. If your baby is scared of a loud noise your smiling face and comforting touch will soon calm his cry.
A trick when the baby is older and not sleeping through the night is to have him follow the “grown-up’s ” schedule: light and average noise level during the day and darkness and quiet at night. If your baby sleeps for 10 hours during the day in the dark by doing two long naps, he will be up all night crying to get your attention.

There are many reasons why a baby cries. Understanding these reasons is a parent’s responsibility.
Here is a short recap list of the reason your baby could be crying:
Hunger. Yes, your attention-hungry baby is craving to let you know that his tummy is grumbling. This is the most common reason for a baby to cry, especially, during his early months. The pattern of the hunger howl could be characterized as being persistent, demanding and almost rhythmical. But that rhythm is not at any rate close to becoming musical, of course.
Boredom and need of attention: babies need to be reassured that someone is taking care of them. Talking to them frequently in a calm and loving manner is a must. Just showing your smiling face once in a while has a great calming effect on your baby. Another calming effect is movement. You have to remember that your baby was rocked in your belly for nine months. Your arms or a secure baby swing will have a great effect on your baby.
Discomfort and frank pain. Pain is another cause of baby crying. Who won’t cry when in pain, right? Babies are not Major Paynes to endure the most excruciating discomfort they could undergo. They are little, vulnerable beings that need to be attended to when injured or when in an inconvenient situation. This cry could be more persistent, louder and more demanding. Shrieking and screaming, those are words that better describe the crying pattern roused by pain.
Some colic pains can go on for hours and get to you. If you feel you are on the edge of screaming and lose it if your baby does not stop crying, the safest way is to ask your partner to take care of the baby while you regather. If you are alone, it is okay to put down the baby in a safe place like its bed and take a deep breath. Most probably, you will only need a couple of minutes before you can attend to your baby.
If your baby is crying and you know he is not sick, movement can help you a lot. Talking a nice walk with the baby in the stroller or a baby sling will calm both of you down. The car also has a very calming effect on most babies.

Another cause may be disturbance; surely, howling will proceed just when they’re about to sleep or are already fast asleep and suddenly gets surprised by some noise, or movement. An illness that causes discomfort to a baby may also be the reason for a baby’s bursting into a fit of tears.
Trust yourself in taking care of your baby. Soon you will be a pro at recognizing the different patterns of cries and soon your baby will be reassured that you are there for him. You might even miss the times when your baby’s cries reminded you that he needed you so much!
One way to have a calm baby is to have a clam birth liek the one you can get by following the Hypno-Baby course!