How to plan a great baby shower

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Our new baby advice guide will help you in planning your baby shower. Points that need to be taken into consideration include who should actually give the shower and how to plan a baby shower itself.

It has been traditional for a long time to have a baby shower and this practise is common around the world, although more common in America than in Europe. It is a fun celebration for both the mother and the guests. As with everything everything, baby showers have changed with the passing of time – earlier baby showers were more traditional but celebrations today include almost anything & everything!.

There are literally hundreds of different ways to celebrate a baby shower & these can take any shape, type or theme and vary vastly from the traditional baby shower to simply wild & cool baby showers!

No longer do baby showers need to be boring and dry – celebrate any way you want & the main point is that the shower entertains everyone.

baby shower

Who should host/give the baby shower?

Anyone except the expectant couple should host the shower. The shower is given to celebrate the expected arrival of the new baby, so it is correct for anyone to take the initiative and host the shower. A friend, a relative or even a close co-worker may feel perfectly free to give a baby shower for the parents-to-be.

The shower does not have to be planned and given by only one person either – it can be a huge undertaking if it is going to be a large gathering and having several people participate in the planning and preparation will help divide up all the work involved.

Traditional baby showers were hosted by non-relatives – friends, co-workers, church groups & neighbors etc. Times have changed and it has become quite common & acceptable for relatives to host the baby shower too.

A baby shower is an opportunity to pamper the guest of honor – the mother to be! Once the new baby arrives it will take new parents time, money & effort to indulge in greeting and partying with the baby shower guests, so instead of burdening them further with more responsibilities, why not treat them to something special?

Food at a baby shower food is one of the most important features and should include desserts, appetizers and finger food. You don’t have to plan an entire meal but you should have a wide selection of party foods on hand to keep your guests around long enough to enjoy the gift opening and any games you may plan!

You can keep things simple or be as elaborate as you want. If the food menu is going to be a selection of foods that are eaten throughout the party, you may want to prepare a side table, reflecting the theme of the baby shower, and decorate the table so that the desserts are featured in the center surrounded by other food choices. Finger food is ideal so there is no need for the guests to manage cutlery and plates, especially if they are standing and mingling with other guests.

There should be a baby cake as the centerpiece of the dessert table & other smaller desserts may be displayed around the cake. Some desserts that you might consider include iced cookies, petit fours and bowls of seasonal fruit.

It does not matter what type of food you decide to serve but just try to ensure that there is something for everyone & that there will be enough food to last for the duration of the shower as you don’t want to run out of food before the gifts have been opened and the games played.

Most baby shower checklists suggest you start planning approximately four weeks before the intended date which will give you enough time to do everything without being rushed. If you are the hjostes, choose the date and you need to confirm this with the new mom.

The baby shower invitations should be sent out three weeks before the date and be sure to include RSVP’s or request people to phone you by a certain date in order to have a final number for ordering food & planning your menu. If you don’t receive all your RSVPs don’t by shy about calling people and asking if they plan to attend or not.

Don’t forget to buy baby shower decorations; you don’t have to be extravagant as you can find some great baby shower decorations that will liven up the celebration without costing a lot of money. Streamers and a banner are the basic deorations needed.

Planning party games is another task to have on your checklist. You may also like to wrap gifts such as party favors and prizes for the guests.

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